mercredi 26 janvier 2011

Call for Papers - (What) Have we learned? New perspectives on the political economy of finance and regulation


May 9th – 11th, 2011

Université Paris VIII
The PhD School is part of the COST Action IS0902: Systemic Risks, Financial Crises and Credit. It is linked to the First Annual Conference of the the COST Action, which will be open to all participants.

The PhD School aims at bringing together established scholars and young PhD students from disciplines such as political science, sociology, and economics. On the one hand, this time certainly is different, and PhD students are the ones who have the license to rethink things radically. On the other hand, this time is not that different after all – discussions between different generations of scholars are therefore potentially fruitful for everyone.

Participants are invited to present their work and to receive comments from both junior and senior scholars. There will be enough time set aside for lively discussions that go beyond the common five-questions-in-three-minutes format of many international conferences. Each day, we will also have two to three presentations by internationally renowned scholars.

Although the three days of the school will be dedicated to economists, sociologists, and political scientists, respectively, the same questions may be addressed from different disciplinary perspectives. Encouraging methodological diversity, we are interested in a variety of approaches to the study of finance and regulation, including evolutionary institutional approaches, network analysis, agent-based approaches, discourse analysis, etc. Participants are particularly encouraged to apply with papers on the following topics:

• Recent developments in financial regulation (e.g., Basel III)
• How to identify and deal with systemic risk?
• Old and new ideas for a functional and/or social finance
• Causes and consequences of financialization
• The performativity of economic theories and models
• Varieties of Capitalism before and after the crisis

Small travel grants for PhD students are available. In order to apply for participation as well as for funding you only need to send your abstract by the deadline (see below). Applicants who do not need a travel grant are kindly asked to communicate this to the organizing committee. The abstracts will be reviewed and selected anonymously by a scientific committee consisting of the invited scholars and the organizing committee. Abstracts should state the main research question and indicate the basic research strategy of the project. Abstracts should be no longer than 500 words, final papers no longer than 8000 words.

Deadline for submission of abstracts: February 28th 2011
Successful candidates will be notified by: March 14th 2011
Deadline for submission of paper: May 1st 2011

Please send your abstracts to: costis0902[dot]phd[at]gmail[dot]com

Université Paris 8:

2 rue de la Liberté
93526 SAINT-DENIS cedex

Phone: +33 (0)1 49 40 67 89

Scientific Committee
Dirk Bezemer: University of Groningen,
Silvano Cincotti: University of Genoa,
Charlie Dannreuther: University of Leeds,
Olivier Godechot: Centre Maurice Halbwachs,
Paul Langley: Northumbria University,
Pascal Petit: Centre d’economie de l’université Paris Nord,
Willi Semmler: New School of Social Research New York.

Organizing Committee
Benjamin Braun: University of Warwick, Department of Politics and International Studies; b[dot]braun[at]warwick[dot]ac[dot]uk
Pierre de Larminat: Centre Maurice Halbwachs (CNRS-ENS-EHESS) / Laboratoire d'Étude et de Recherche sur les Professionnalisations (URCA); pierre[dot]de[dot]larminat[at]ens[dot]fr
Barbara Sennholz-Weinhardt: University College London, School of Public Policy; b[dot]sennholz[at]ucl[dot]ac[dot]uk
Manuel Wäckerle: University of Technology Vienna, Research Group Economics; manuel[dot]waeckerle[at]econ[dot]tuwien[dot]ac[dot]at

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